"120th Anniversary" Special Sale

"Ginsansen Ishime-maki 'Utaguchi Gold'" limited set sale
Only 5 set will be sold.

Product description: Limited 5 set only (left) 8sun (right) 6sun
Regular price: (each) ¥400,000 JPY
Special price: ¥550,000 JPY for the purchase of a pair
Order number: [G3SK120]

"Gin Sanshin Kurowa 'Utakuchi Gin'" limited set sale
Limited Offer
1.6 Shaku SOLD OUT

Product description: black celluroid Ring set
(left) 1.5 syaku (center) 1.8 syaku (right) 1.7 syaku
3 sets of 8sun and 7sun pairs remaining, 11 sets of 8sun and 5sun pairs remaining, 2 sets of 8sun and 4sun pairs remaining
Regular price: (each) ¥80,000 JPY 
Special price: ¥120,000 JPY for the purchase as a pair
Order number: [G3KG120_7][G3KG120_5][G3KG120_4]

Buisiness Hours
Reservation Only
Weekdays On Request
Weekend and Holidays 10:00-16:00
(advance booking required)